Join the LSOS’24 Speakers!
- Submit an abstract of your pitch. The link will lead you to the web form, where you are asked to describe your project and the need or offer for collaboration.
- We will contact you to confirm and correct details, and that's it! If your presentation aligns with the objectives, i.e., addresses the opportunities, conditions, assumptions, and needs for cooperation - You are in the program! Remember - you need to have your profile on the LSOS platform to show up in the agenda.
- Prepare Your presentation: 5 to 7 slides is usually enough to pass the message and catch the attention. While you You have 10 minutes to pitch, it does not make sense to waste time for all the details. Be concrete about the background and the opportunity, aim at convincing the audience to contact with you after.
- Use Marketplace functionality to describe all the details of the offer - it will be easy to refer to it in the presentation. And it will be visible also for those who did not make it to joun us in Krakow.